Design and Technology
“Creatively designing and making products”
Three broad areas of learning:
We don’t follow a scheme, we follow our curriculum.
As a school, we have bought into some high-quality schemes and are able to provide a number of amazing resources. We realise, however, that it is essential that learning starts with where our children are, and that learning is sequenced and adapted to each individual class. This is why we have created our Year Group Guides.
The prompts in our Year Group Guides have been designed to help our teachers identify the steps in progression within each topic in order for children to achieve the broad National Curriculum objectives. We have also signposted where previous learning has happened so that teachers can ensure objectives from previous years are embedded and where not ensure they are revisited.
How we celebrate Design & Technology
We want our Design and Technology lessons and the skills the children learn to be memorable and stand out. We complete each sequence on a special day(s) (such as our “Festival of Food”) or during the course of consecutive afternoons.
The products being created are celebrated by sharing on our learning platform and a selection will be “exhibited” in the school newsletter, which will also highlight the skills children have used.